Group Exhibition

“Antimethods and Right Mistakes”


Showing between July 8 – July 29, 2023


Bjorn Calleja

Arvin Nogueras

Geremy Samala

Pablo Bermudez

August Lyle Espino


Bjorn Calleja

Group Exhibition

“Antimethods and Right Mistakes”

From techniques to concepts that express contemporary ideas and human sensibilities, the medium of painting has developed throughout history as a visual language.

Artist Bjorn Calleja continues to operate around the premise of the group presentation Antimethods and Right Mistakes as he gathers artists of various disciplines to explore the bounds of creating while resisting logic and linearity in their own processes of art-making.

Arvin Nogueras, touching on hybridity and eclecticism, focuses on visceral and creative ways to produce a more genuine work of art. Nogueras’s use and combination of materials in his mixed media and collages reiterate openness to the structure of art. His work appeals to both emotion and intellect, compelling the viewers to ponder and decipher the meaning behind it.

The aspect of play is crucial for Geremy Samala who translates the idea of resiliency and themes on the celebration of life into paintings. The subject of plants, although imperfectly rendered, remains distinguishable and in unison with other contrasting visual elements found in the paintings. Samala’s composition and his intuitive, gestural brushstrokes speak of a kind of vitality that corresponds to a certain outlook in life.

In an attempt to decontextualize and abstract figurations, Pablo Bermudez paints on photographic images of urban landscapes that he took himself. His abstraction involves manipulation and modification of an image by painting on its surface.

August Lyle Espino demonstrates the relations and coexistence of things through his strokes that weave through the seemingly unrelated elements in his paintings. Espino’s abstraction mirrors the varying worldviews that adds dynamism to life and its mundanity.

With the artists employing spontaneity and recklessness, the exhibit further reinstates that there is no single approach in art-making. Their mistakes whether intended or by accident are opportunities to discover and explore beyond the already established framework of art and art production.

-James Luigi Tana

To book a private viewing or to request for the digital catalogue, use the forms below or contact us at , call (+63) 916 6976 671 or (02) 5310 3771.


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