Bea Aspiras



Showing between 14th June — 6th July 2024



Bea Aspiras

Curated by


Art Unconfined poster

Laundry | Bea Aspiras

“Laundry” is an exploration of the profound symbolism hidden within the everyday act of cleansing. The paintings serve as windows into moments of reflection, a celebration of resilience, of shedding the weight of yesterday’s burdens to welcome the promise of tomorrow.

Just as laundry is an age-old ritual, so too is the journey of renewal and purification it represents.

As you wander through the exhibit, you’ll find the artworks arranged in a deliberate manner, mirroring the delicate dance of clothes swaying in the breeze, suspended between earth and sky. Here, laundry transcends its practical purpose.

Bea Aspiras collected materials for the artworks while traveling, such as handmade recycled paper and traditional Chinese pigments from Taiwan, oil paints from Vancouver, Canada, and acrylics from Silpakorn University of Fine Arts in Thailand.

Each stroke of paint and layer of pigment echoes the rhythm of washing away the past, a gentle reminder that, like freshly laundered linens, we too have the capacity to emerge from the wash revitalized and ready to embark on a new chapter.


To book a private viewing or to request the digital catalogue, use the forms below or contact us via email, mobile or telephone.

View the latest information on COVID-19 restrictions before booking.


Mobile: (+63) 916 6976 671

Landline: (02) 5310 3771

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Bea Aspiras (b. 1993) is a painter based in Quezon City. She earned her degree in painting from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, and furthered her studies in Canada at OCAD University in Toronto and Langara College in Vancouver.

Aspiras expands her traditional background by incorporating various mediums and surfaces in her paintings. She often embarks on journeys to find unique materials and draw inspiration from different places.

In her creative process, Aspiras delves into the depths of mundane subjects, researching their historical significance and essence. She transforms these subjects, distilling them down to colors. Through this process, she brings her sentiments and keen eye for color harmony and contrast to the forefront of her work.


Reuel Rendon's artwork

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